This video, for Advanced Journey Chauffeuring’s website, was shot to give potential clients a glimpse of the high end transport services on offer for their business and leisure needs. Shot in collaboration with Clara Lou Photography.

See the production process of the famous Stokie Ware mugs at the Moorland Pottery Factory, Burslem, Stoke on Trent.

This video short was made for Emma Bridgewater Pottery and the team at Festival in a Factory. The festival runs once a year, and features authors talking about their work, poetry sessions and workshops. It all takes place in the Emma Bridgewater Factory, Hanley, Stoke on Trent. The idea behind the video, which is on the company website, was to briefly show what happened at the festival, and also to act as a taster for next years event.

Kids Kreations, based in Stone, commissioned a film of the “Baby Shower” event they held, which celebrated the launch of a new range of their dolls.

Woodhouse Academy in Biddulph, Staffordshire, commissioned a set of videos so that parents of prospective pupils could see online how specific parts of the curriculum are taught at the school. This video shows how Cooking and Nutrition practical classes work.

Woodhouse Academy in Biddulph, Staffordshire, commissioned a set of videos so that parents of prospective pupils could see online how specific parts of the curriculum are taught at the school. This video was for the Art department.